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Smackers is an innovative bakery and confectionary making delicious cakes, pies and desserts.

Products Catalog

Introducing, NICE CREAM!

If one day you smash your meringue roulade and freeze it, there are two options either you are crazy or a brilliant product developer. Fortunately, this story holds true for the latter statement. This is how a delicious ice cream a-like dessert was created.


At least the same messy packaging was needed to sell this crazy dessert. Disregarding all design rules, an eye-catching package is made.

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Easy to digest

Lactose free (L)
Glutene free (G)
No added sugar (SF)

Something for everyone.

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Trustworthy and unbiased credit rating based on international standards adapted for Estonian market, derived from deep analysis of the finances, accounting and payment history of the company.

Like home made.



We've implemented the ISO 22000:2005 quality management system to ensure our food safety is on the highest standard.


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All cakes are sliced using newest technology, which means extensive range of serving sizes, from mini buffee to a-la carte and perfect cutting edge resulting in prettier slices as well as zero waste.

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Production equipment procurement has been co-financed by EAFRD fund measure 4.2.1 in order to increase our production capacity and productivity.



Detailed information on all products offered:

Products Catalog