Our Story

How it all Began

Beyond the Brand

In 2006 while visiting United States, Aivar Maasik, founder of Smackers, had a chance to experience American cheesecake sold in grocery stores and was inspired by the taste and the pre-sliced packaging, something not readily available in Eastern Europe at the time.

Three years later, having returned back to Estonia the old taste thrill lead Aivar to the decision to begin to produce cheesecakes in Estonia. First patch of cheesecakes were made at home and shared with family and friends. Every single person who tried enjoyed it. Being encouraged by the positive feedback, the Smackers Company was incorporated in October 11th 2009. Unfortunately business went to waste at the first try as founders did not have enough money to develop and run the ambitious business plan, and no one was ready to finance it. For investors and creditors the business plan didn't sound convincing enough.

Another three year went by before by the end of 2012 the founders came finally to conclusion that years ago thought out business plan must be fired up again as soon as possible.

The Kickoff

Early development and production was home based. Eventually professional equipment was bought: baking oven, mixer, etc. As products tasted great, the founders were inspired to sell them on the market. Once first commercial proposals were made and first prospective customers feedback received, the decision was made to move out from the "garage" and seek out a bigger production site. In early March 2013 the real estate deal was signed and by the end of May 2013 the production had begun.

Securing the Brand

Securing our brand is in process at present, and we will publish more information once it has historical value.

Our Vision

What's Important to Us

The Roadmap

The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years and beyond, we must look ahead, understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what's to come. We must get ready for tomorrow today. That's what our Vision is all about. It creates a long-term destination for our business and provides us with a "Roadmap" for winning together with our partners.

Our Mission

Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

  • To WOW! the world
  • To inspire moments of optimism and happiness with all we are doing
  • To create value and make a difference

Our Vision

Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.

  • People: Establish a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be
  • Portfolio: Bring to the world quality bakery and confectinary products that meet the desires and needs of the customers
  • Partners: Create winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value
  • World: Be a responsible that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities
  • Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities
  • Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization
  • Novelty: Be a innovative in all our doings

Our Values

Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world.

  • Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
  • Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
  • Integrity: Be real
  • Accountability: Stick to our promises
  • Passion: Committed in heart and mind
  • Diversity: Inclusive as our products
  • Quality: Keep doing what we do best

Winning Culture

Our Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that will be required of us to make our Vision a reality.

Focus on the Market

  • Focus on needs of our consumers and costumers
  • Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn
  • Possess a world view
  • Focus on execution in the marketplace every day
  • Be insatiably curious

Work Smartly

  • Act with urgency
  • Remain responsive to change
  • Have the courage to change course when needed
  • Remain constructively discontent
  • Work efficiently

Act Like Owners

  • Be accountable for our actions and inactions
  • Steward system assets and focus on building value
  • Reward our people for taking risks and finding better ways to solve problems
  • Learn from our outcomes: what worked and what didn't

Be the Brand

  • Inspire creativity, passion, optimism and fun
Our Model

Mapping the Future

How Do We See It?

It is generally said that predicting is an ungrateful activity. That’s why economists and businesses call it forecasting to sound more reliable.The Smackers Company strategy is oriented onto those geographical markets where the consumers’ purchasing power is above average and the shopping patterns for our products are well developed. The Smackers Company very long term goal is to become global enterprise with worldwide customers.

Business Model

The Smackers Company runs innovative bakery and confectionary business with main orientation to global markets. For processing we use our own production facilities where Just In time (JIT) production model is implemented. New products development is mainly based on open innovation model.


Our suppliers and business partners help us WOW! the world and are vital to our success. We assess their adherence to our supplier guiding principles, which emphasize the importance of responsible workplace policies and practices that comply, at a minimum, with applicable local labor laws, environmental laws and regulations.

Customers and Consumers

Our customers are grocery chains and HoReCa wholesellers. Our products are delivered through our customers to consumers to enjoy around the world.